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National Trends

National Trends
The National Trends and Services Facet is deliberate in its agenda to provide women in Anne Arundel County an avenue to enhance their knowledge base on issues and challenges impacting their daily life; increase their sphere of resources; and influences and enhance their capacity to “Stand Strong.”  Women’s Empowerment (WE) intent is to help women enhance stature in their families, community and the market square.  Each Fall, the National Trends and Services facet facilitates focus groups (Chat and Chew) with women within the community to gain an understanding of their concerns and needs.  As a result of this fact-finding event, the National Trends and Services facet conducts an Annual WE forum that is open to the community.  The forum gives women in the community the opportunity to gain insight on various topics and interact with community resources.  Women also can earn continuing education hours for their attendance and participation. The Women’s Empowerment Forum serves as a catalyst for empowerment; and hence creates a climate for growth in social, economic, physical and mental health, arts and political arenas. As part of an effort to enhance the impact of WE, National Trends and Services facet continues to strengthen its partnerships with external organizations that have deliberate focus on addressing the challenges and unique issues impacting women.  With the strengthening of partnerships and the utilization of WE as a catalyst, it is National Trends and Services hope to identify the needs and empower women throughout our service area through programming.

National trends

Empowering Women

National trends

Empowering Women

National trends

Empowering Women

National trends

Empowering Women

National trends

Empowering Women

National trends

Empowering Women